
When is the right age for you to get braces?

Orthodontic treatment is highly requested when a child is in his preteens or adolescence. If you happen to be on the lookout for getting braces in Dubai, one of the key things you have to know before acquiring them is the importance of the age factor.

As your child begins to enter the stage of his youth, you might notice that his teeth are either getting crooked or have gaps in them. Additionally, even some adults require braces due to facing jaw misalignment problems or simply wanting to acquire that perfect megawatt smile and boosting their confidence, which is why it is imperative to know what age is right for you to get braces. The ideal age recommended by orthodontists to get your braces is between the ages of 10-15, as this is the age where your physical development is most receptive to change.

When is the right age for you to get braces

The reason why dentists encourage starting this early is predicated on several factors. The child’s mouth is undergoing the stage of development at this age, and his teeth are prone to shifting. Moreover, the kid will usually have all of his permanent teeth, which significantly influences when braces should be applied because braces are most effective when children have the majority of their permanent teeth.

The state of the jawbone is also another major contributing factor because the child in his early adolescence stage will have a jawbone that is still developing and forming. Teeth move more easily when the jawbone is not completely formed, and a jawbone in this state also makes most sorts of bite problems much simpler to fix with braces. Therefore, it is recommended to get braces during childhood. However, adults seeking a healthy smile are also encouraged to get them in their early 20s to avoid poor oral hygiene or difficulty eating due to overcrowding of teeth or jaw misalignm.

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